UCSB’s Game Development Club is an organization focused on bringing together people who are passionate about the skills and processes that go towards game development. We aim to create a supportive environment for people to experiment, develop their skills, and connect with other prospective game developers. As of Winter 2020, we meet on Tuesdays from 7 pm to 8 pm in the Building 936, Rm 101.
Find us on Facebook, Discord, or reach out to us at ucsbgamedevclub (at) gmail (dot) com
(please replace “at” and “dot” with their appropriate symbols).
I don’t have a lot of experience in game development but I’m interested in getting started, can I still come to the meetings?
Yes! We have many experienced members who would be happy to lead you towards resources or give advice. We also hold educational workshops and lectures in various game development topics (suggestions/requests welcome). But of course, the rest of the work is up to you!